Setting Career Goals: The Key to Success
Planning can be the key to success. And as you search for a new job, it’s important to plan and set career goals that’ll guide your search into the direction you want go. You don’t have to plan every step of your career. In fact, some of the best choices you make will come as opportunity arises and without planning. But initially, clear goals are a great way to build your network, gain experience and make revisions. Dana Manciagli, career coach and author of Cut the Crap, Get a Job!, shares the benefits of setting your career goals.
No. 1 You can ask for help.
Your network wants to help you. But they can only engage if you are clear and precise about what you want. Friends, family, alumni, association members, and others can provide help when they have a clear idea of your goals, what you need to reach them and in turn can determine which companies might be hiring, or the people you should meet.
No. 2 You will appear focused to hiring managers.
The job market remains competitive and hiring companies can select the best. Those who want the interview must show direction and career goals that line up with mission and needs of a potential employer. Your goals can show a clear understanding of the position.
No. You will perform better research for interviews.
Frustrated job seekers often complain about a lack of jobs or not knowing where to look for a job. With clear goals, you can pinpoint your target companies and your target function. Follow a potential employer’s blog, engage in the company’s social media accounts and sign up for the company’s email job alerts. You can use all of these tools to do research once you’ve set career goals and know which companies to research.
No 4. You will gain confidence.
With a clear goal in sight, you will be confident, passionate when interviewing, and focused on success. Confidence will allow you to gain insight, network more effectively, and get excited about landing that job, not focused on the job search itself.
Before you apply for another job, spell out your career goals. Let your goals define your ideal position which will help you find a fulfilling career. Whether you’re looking inside or outside of your company or just simply looking to get into the job market, well defined goals will give you direction, clarity and promote long-term career growth.