You Are What You Speak
11.30.12Those of us at Cotton Candy believe in the great impact that words have. After all, in our office it’s our job to write words about what we think, who we like, and share all things we’d have you to experience.
Words make a difference in our everyday lives. Words set the path of our future and shape our present. In our first ebook, “The Sugar List: 101 Ways to Explore the Sweet Side of Life”, we give our thoughts on how powerful your words can be. Below you’ll find an excerpt. Read the words and be inspired.
Sweet Treat No. 25
Talk Positively About Yourself and Others
In life we have choices. And that means we have power.
Speaking positively is a choice, and it is a powerful choice – one that can bring positive energy into your life. You decide how positive your conversations are with others. You determine whether your words are uplifting and constructive to others. You decide if your words are pessimistic or optimistic. Choose to fill your words with healthy, joyful rhetoric because when you speak positivity, you create a nurturing environment for yourself and other people.
A negative attitude does not change a negative situation. In fact, it worsens the situation by affecting your mentality and training yourself to see the worst, believe the worst, and ultimately speak the worst.
If you say, “I’m not very talented,” does that make you feel good about yourself? Does a negative comment drive you to think the best, do the best, and say the best about yourself? Does it encourage other people to think of you in a healthy way?
Absolutely not.
Instead negative speech takes your peace away so that you feel depleted emotionally and mentally – the exact opposite of the sweet life you deserve. However saying, believing and doing positive actions enable and energize you to overcome difficult situations. Will it change your situation right away? It may or may not, but what does change is your outlook and how you feel. Sometimes that’s half the battle to changing our circumstances.
(Click the photos below.)
Also examine your viewpoint on your circumstances. Is the situation as negative as you perceive, or can it be somewhat alleviated by having a more positive viewpoint? When you have negative thoughts, you will follow up with negative words and in turn end up with negative emotions and actions. Don’t let negative thoughts seep into what you say. Instead let a positive view shape, lead, and determine your conversations. Those who habitually complain feel miserable, discouraged and frustrated. We feel our lives are more complicated, rather than simple. It’s time to shift your focus.
As you begin to speak positive words your emotions will eventually catch up. You’ll find positivity will draw positive people closer and will alter the way you think, feel, and talk about yourself.
PURE SUGAR: You are what you speak.
From “The Sugar List: 101 Ways to Explore the Sweet Side of Life” by the editors of Cotton Candy Magazine®. Copyright © 2012 by Cotton Candy Magazine®. Excerpted by permission of Cotton Candy Magazine, L.L.C. All rights reserved. No part of this excerpt may be reproduced or reprinted without permission in writing from the publisher. Excerpts are provided solely for the personal use of visitors to this Web site,