Welcome to Cotton Candy Magazine
We love fashion. We love traveling. We love falling in love. And who doesn’t love celebrities?
Dolls, welcome to Cotton Candy Magazine where we explore the sweet side of life. Here, we make it our mission to share all the good things in life. And in this premiere fall issue, we’ve got some goodies.
Cotton Candy magazine is a delicious mix of fashion, beauty, health, money, love and relationships, home and garden, culture and travel, and of course celebrity life.
We’d like to highlight just some of our faves in this debut issue. Make sure to check out the ever-stunning designs of Pamella Roland as this designer takes us into a world of elegance and sophistication. And the first lady of the Real Housewives of New York City, Jill Zarin, shares the secrets her fans don’t know. Find out how eating carbs can actually help you on a diet. And you might be surprised to learn the real reasons that we fall in love.
And it doesn’t stop there. Join us on Facebook and Twitter to get Sweet Treats, inspirational quotes that will uplift and inspire you. You can also find up-to-the-minute posts about fashion news, intriguing watercoolers and celebrity happenings. Many are already following us, and now it’s time for you to explore the sweet side as well. Feel free to re-tweet our sweet treats and share our stories. Sign up for Cotton Candy’s Sweet Treats Newsletter and get your weekly dose of everything good in life.
We know that life is about others, and that’s why we’ve created a positive, uplifting publication for you. So without further ado, we give you Cotton Candy Magazine. Enjoy.
Cotton Candy Editors