The Beauty Lessons of Marilyn Monroe
Oh sure. The iconic Marilyn Monroe is often imitated, but she’s never truly duplicated. We just adore her piercing, timeless beauty. Her radiant splendor influences one generation after another. And it’s safe to say that many celebs adore her, trying to mimick and draw on her remarkable looks. The editors of Cotton Candy Magazine® readily admit that there is so much to learn from the unforgettable sex symbol. Her style. Her grace. And course, you resplendent beauty. So we can’t help but wonder this: what is it that made Monroe’s beauty so alluring? We think we might know.
The red lip. This Tinseltown gem understood what we’ve expressed before on Cotton Candy; a red lip makes a woman stand out in a crowd. In fact, the luscious lips of Monroe were — and still are — associated with an eternal, vibrant, classic red hue.

The Beauty Lessons of Marilyn Monroe
A signature scent. Do you know what Marilyn Monore claimed she wore to bed at the end of the night? Just one thing. “Five drops of Chanel No. 5,” she once teasingly remarked, even purportedly putting a tinge of the perfume in her bathwater. What we learned from this little-known fact is that a signature scent matters. Your summer scent could be the beauty mark you are remembered for.
Stunning hair. Pop quiz. What was Marilyn Monroe’s natural hair color? She’s known for her famed, brilliantly blonde locks, but before those days Monroe lived life as a bombshell brunette. In the days of her early modeling career she dyed her hair platinum blonde, and the rest is Hollywood history. Short, long, dark or bright, don’t be afraid to find the right sultry style for your hair.
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