From the Deep South to the Big Apple: A Southern Belle Thrives in NYC
I grew up in a suburb of Atlanta. And as far back as I can remember, I’ve always been working toward something.
Whether it was working to save money, working to buy a car or new clothes, working to earn the highest GPA I could, working to get into the best college I could, working persistently on my extracurricular activities, or simply working just to connect with other people – the bottom line is this: I always knew there was something more out there that I could be working toward.
It wasn’t until the end of my sophomore year at the University of Georgia did I realize what I really wanted: I belonged in the Big Apple. During a spring break trip to New York City I had this epiphany. From then on, my goal was to live and thrive in Gotham City. I spent the rest of my college years saving money, visiting Manhattan every opportunity I got, and eventually breaking the news to my parents that I would be moving to New York three days after graduation.
On May 25, 2007, with three suitcases full of clothes and shoes in tow, I moved to my new city, the big city. I use the term “move” loosely because I had no where to live, no job and a

Cotton Candy Blogger Tracey VanVoorhis in NYC
very limited amount of cash. But, what I didn’t lack was a dream to conquer the fashion capital of the world and the faith in myself that I could succeed and thrive. And that was exactly what I set out to do.
I pounded the pavement resume in hand, and after receiving my fair share of rejections, I finally landed a job working for a high-end French fashion designer, selling $200,000 furcoats and exquisite gowns at Bergdorf Goodman. Needless to say, this certainly wasn’t Georgia anymore!
A few jobs later, (including stints at Chanel, a well-known public relations agency, and even a bar in Greenwich Village), I accepted my current role supporting the Chairman and CEO of arguably the hottest clothing retailer in America! Though the view from here ain’t so bad, in my quest to the top I’ve experienced highs, lows and so much in between.
I’ve learned firsthand, jobs will come and go. But two things will not change; my determination to follow my dreams and the faith that I can accomplish anything. Fast forward three-plus years, and it appears this Georgia peach has turned into a shiny red apple who’s always ready to take a bite out of what city life has to offer.
Cotton Candy Blogger: Tracey VanVoorhis