Rocking the Fedora: This Year’s Hottest Accessory
There’s no doubt about it; this year the fedora is one of the trendiest ways to add flavor to your personal look. Over the years celebs have made this debonair hat what it is today. But with its vogue and swanky style, the fedora carries a rich history. Worn as a mainstream staple since the late 1880’s, the fedora became a fashion accessory for women in the early 20th century. Since then many icons and starlets represented the savvy look, but its big fashion break wasn’t introduced until the 1930’s from a group of well-known gangsters, including Chicago mobster Al Capone. Later Hollywood movies and Broadway shows carried on the fashion accessory as a way to emulate the tough exterior of the mobsters at that time.
But the fedora craze has come in many looks over the years, with one of the most popular being the straw fedora. The canvas fedora is a classic yet stylized hat. More formal then the straw fedora, its shape and design are more distinctive and exact. Coupled with a range of styles, from a three-piece business suit to a pair of skinny jeans and a graphic tee, the fedora is a versatile accent for any occasion.
The fascination with these hats is fueled by the common desire to be seen as cool, stylish or creative. With its exponential rise in popularity in recent years, the fedora can be found in a slew of collections, making it a stylish comeback for many designers and a must-have for celebrities. Often worn by red-carpet A-listers, including Megan Fox, Johnny Depp, Brad Pitt and Ashlee Simpson, many celebs have chosen to make this hat their fashion statement to the world by drawing inspiration from their Hollywood predecessors, including classic movie giants Humphrey Bogart and Harrison Ford. And who can forget pop icon Michael Jackson sporting the fedora in his video Smooth Criminal and on stage?
The fedora trend has been a favorite for many. And the hat itself will continue to rock others into the world of fashion as a timeless accessory.
Cotton Candy Blogger: Brittany Johnson