A Look at Lilly
She was introduced to the world as the Persian Barbie. But Lilly Ghalichi quickly stood out on Bravo’s hit reality TV show Shahs of Sunset as more than just another pretty face. Yes, she has beauty, but it’s her brains and business sense that makes her the one to watch. As she transitioned from the life a lawyer to the glam of a businesswoman, Lilly continues to focus on building brands that help women look even better. Cotton Candy got the chance to have a real talk with the glamazon and found out what really lies beyond the beauty and the fame.
You’ve been nicknamed the Persian Barbie. Do you think toy maker Mattel will come calling anytime soon?
Lilly Ghalichi: I’m not sure, especially seeing how Barbie’s target market is likely composed of six year olds. But with that said, I do think Barbie needs a little Persian Ghalichi glam in her life, and I would welcome the opportunity to glam that doll out.
What prompted your transition from attorney-at-law to beauty and fashion?
LG: I was really unhappy practicing law. It wasn’t fulfilling. It’s a great profession, so don’t get me wrong. But, I’m an entrepreneur at heart, so I really needed to channel that energy into creating things. I chose beauty and fashion because I’m obsessed with anything and everything glam. I thank God every day for being born a woman.
You started Lilly Lashes, an upscale eyelash line. One of the interesting characteristics about your lash line is the names of each product, with each set of lashes named after an international city, such as Barcelona, Tehran, Hong Kong, Tokyo and Istanbul. Why the international love?
LG: I love traveling and exploring the world. I think you can learn so much about life through experiencing different cultures. It truly is magical. I wanted to capture the distinctive allure that major cities across the globe are known for and transcend them into my lashes via the city names. It’s not just a lash. It’s an experience, and each city inspires a certain look and feeling you get when you wear that particular lash.
Have you been to each of the cities that you’ve named the sets of eyelashes after?
LG: I’ve been to all but two – Cairo and Budapest, both of which I hope to visit one day.
(Dolls, click the photos below.)

Lilly Hair is your new hair extensions line. Do you typically wear them on the show, Shahs of Sunset?
LG: 1 billion percent I do. It’s no secret that I am a huge fan of larger-than-life hair. (Hey, I’m from Texas.) So that’s typically how you see me on the show. Before Lilly Hair, I would actually buy two to three packs of clip-in extensions to achieve the full look I wanted. At 260 grams of hair, you will definitely need only one pack of Lilly Hair.
Your cast member, Golnesa “GG” Gharachedaghi, has a hair extension line as well. If viewers on a budget have to decide whether to buy GG’s Extensions or Lilly Hair, why should they choose your line?
LG: They’re both really great brands, so this is a tough question. I think it comes down to preference on the style of hair extensions that you like. GG’s are halo-type extensions, where the hair is all on one round string. It’s super easy to apply and gives great length, but it’s difficult to get volume with this method.
Lilly Hair is a series of clip-ins ranging from different pieces of two, three and four clips of hair. This allows you to place hair all over the scalp to create big hair. It’s also a ton more hair since my main goal was volume, with 260 grams versus 130 grams. If you want quick and easy to apply length, go with GG’s. If you want a more versatile, big, glam look, go with Lilly Hair.
What do you think will one day define your legacy: hair, lashes, law, or love?
LG: Love. I’m young right now, so this is when I need to work hard and secure my future. I hope to one day get to a comfortable place in life to where I can redirect my time, energy and money into humanitarian efforts. I hope my legacy will be the great things that I did to help make the world a better place.
What has been the most difficult part of being on a reality show?
LG: For me personally, it’s the very strong opinions that complete strangers have about my life and what I need to change. Being on a reality show is a lot harder than most people think. Your every word and action is scrutinized, and everyone has an opinion about what you said or did wrong, and what you should be doing instead. I’m just a young woman trying to be a good person and work hard. I am far from perfect.
Do you feel Shahs of Sunset shows an accurate portrayal of Lilly Ghalichi?
LG: I don’t, but I think that’s what you sign up for with a reality show. Shahs of Sunset is by no means contrived. I really did say and do all of the things you see. However due to editing, you become an exaggerated version of yourself. For example, a two-hour dinner scene will be cut into two minutes. Obviously the most outrageous parts of your personality will be what makes the cut. That’s not necessarily who you are all of the time, but on the show, it appears that way since that’s all you see.
What do you wish people knew about you that most people don’t know?
LG: I wish people knew how down to Earth I really am. I love rocking sweats, tying my hair in a bun and not wearing any makeup. You’ll actually see me like that a lot more than you’ll see me glam’d up in my everyday life.
Photos provided by Lilly Ghalichi